Manyakabi Area Cooperative Enterprise
MACE is a second level cooperative(union) registered under the co-operative societies law of Uganda (the co-operative society’s statute, 1991) with its membership composed of 146 rural women groups (membership within groups ranges from 50-500 members of which 7146 are women, 175 are orphans and vulnerable children, and 694 are men). It was registered in 1991 as a farmer’s organization in Isingiro district and later was reoriented in 2004 and registered as a production and marketing cooperative society in an effort to empower women towards income-generating activities. Its Registration No is 7058. The numbers of individual farmers are 8,015 in Isingiro district (This district has been categorized as a hard to reach District in Uganda). MACE is affiliated to Uganda co-operative alliance, the apex body for cooperatives in Uganda and supervised by the office registrar of co-operatives. MACE is a community owned, used, controlled and rural based society which was formulated by women groups in 2002 Nov.
In Masha subcounty we have 36 women groups, 35 groups in Birere, 33 women groups in Kaberebere Town council and 42 women groups in Nyamuyanja subcounty.
Meet Our Team Member!

Clare Kabakyenga

Susan Arinaitwe

Bateisibwa Deogratius

Tumuhaise Editor

Tibeijuka Stuart

Owembabazi Irene

Auma Devota Mary
Incredible True Short Facts About Our Bussiness
Warehouse built with capacity of 840 MTs & partially equipped(grain drier , grain cleaner & grader, moisture meters and weighing scales.
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- 146 RPOs personnel trained in proper agronomical practices.
- Warehouse built with capacity of 840 MTs & partially equipped(grain drier, grain cleaner & grader, moisture meters and weighing scales.
- Have been able to plant 250Ha of land with different assorted timber species.
- Established a warehouse receipt system to our farmer members on a small scale.
- Established market links with secondary schools, local & regional markets for our produce neighboring Countries within the Great lake Region.
- Since the financial year 2004/2005, MACE has been registered in the UN World Food Program suppliers /Service Providers Roster and we have been supplying them with maize and beans.
- Has managed to bring rural producers organizations together for common cause.[farmers institution development, production and marketing of maize & beans].
- Acquired a pickup and Tata lorry as means of transport of produce from 5 collecting centers to warehouse, 4 motorcycles for Extension workers, 85 bicycles for 85 village change agents.